1950-1952 Screened background. First Coca-Cola tray made after World War II.
1950-1952 Solid background
French Canadian 1950-1952
Mexico 1950-1952
"Pansy Garden" Be Really Refreshed Fishtail logo 1961
"Pansy Garden" Coke Refreshes You Best Rectangle logo 1961
"Pansy Garden Canadian French 1961
Menu Girl 10 1/2"x 13 1/4"
Menu Girl Canadian French
Menu Girl Mexico
'Coca-Cola' 'Coke' 'Coca-Cola
Light' 'Diet Coke' 'Cherry Coke' 'The Ribbon Device' 'Always' 'The Contour
Bottle' are registered trademarks of
(Atlanta, GA). This web site is not affiliated in any way with Coca-Cola.